Fair Grounds Cochon de Lait Eplogue & Prep For Hogs

Our Fair Grounds event was the best we could hope for. Team member Neil Pessin did a tremendous job with ticket sales. We were a little behind with our off site sales but all and all we look to be on track to make a good contribution to Hogs this year.

We changed our approach to the cook this year with the changeover to a 60” Lang Offset Smoker from our Cajun Microwave. We cooked the pig the weekend before, pulled the meat and stored it in pans for a reheat at Fair Grounds. Food & Beverage Director Craig Dennison, Horseman’s Relations Director Emilee Margiotta and the Fair Grounds Staff did their usual great job of supporting our annual effort.

This year’s prep and cook consist of a 120lb pig, 18 racks of Spare Ribs, 50lb of Cracklins, 5gal of Jambalaya, 10gal of Pastalaya. As always, Fair Grounds backed us up with additional ribs and pork form their kitchen.

We feel like we have hit our stride with Cracklin production. Last year we cut 350lb of pig belly for Hogs For The Cause. We sold out by 2:30 PM on Saturday last year. We upped our goal for this year to just under 600lb which have been rendered and frozen to be “popped” on site for Hogs. We are doing something new this year by participating in the Friday events for Hogs. Our menu item for “Bacon Challenge” participation on Friday night will be (you guessed it) Cracklins with three dipping sauces. On Saturday we will offer our usual Cracklins as our main fare. We will also have Pulled Pork, and Ribs available while they last.

Our Whole Hog submission this year will be radically different than past years. We will cook in our new Lang 60” Off Set and inject & mop the pig with a Carolina Style, Vinegar Based, sauce. This is a much slower cook but gives us the smoke flavor & “bark” not possible with a Cajun Microwave.

Our order went in today for the pig, butts and ribs. We will start loading the site next week. The days are counting down.